Chozen Projects


You have 2 seconds!


Ready! Go! You have few seconds to attract the attention of your website’s visitors. So, wake up and give them useful information.

It has been proven, that a person holds their attention up to eight seconds. The time for which the average visitor will pay attention to your Home page however is less than 8 seconds. This means that you don’t have many time to attract your potential customers attention and to let them know you have exactly what they are searching for.

A common mistake, made by many companies is to indicate who they are and what they do on their Home page. This is not very interesting, isn’t it? Furthermore, your website’s visitors usually have an idea about your business. They visit a website with a certain intention – either to buy something or find an actual solution. That’s why your main goal should be making their choice easier by giving them meaningful and interesting information which will make them want digging deeper into your website.

Visitors come to your website most often through:

› Web Search
› Social networks
› Display advertising
› Email

In either case, entering your website they have very good idea where they are going and why.

On your home page focus on:

› The sale of your product / service
Your potential customers want to know one thing – What will be the benefit for them? You’d better not leave them guessing. Let them know what are the benefits of your product and in which way it is unique. Do not drive your customers draw their own conclusions.

› Make an impression
To successfully sell your product/service do not only say what must be said, but express it in an unique way that touches the people.

› Sharpen their appetite
Your home page is just a base. It must prompt visitors to want to read and explore more. Give them the outline of what you do on a deeper level. Give them a teaser on your home page which will keep their interest.

Are you aware that over 45% of the audience forms their overall attitude towards your brand based on the design of your website? Are you ready to lose almost half of your customers because of possible unattractive vision? Would you risk them going to your competitor’s website because your corporate website is not intuitive or because it is not readable through mobile devices?
The way you present information about your product or service is essential for your success!

Hold your visitor’s attention on the 2nd second, do not wait until the 8th, because then it will be too late.


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